Free Energy Assessment

Your first step toward saving energy

During an Energy Assessment, an energy expert will do a walkthrough of your home to identify areas that could be improved for comfort and energy use. You’ll receive a personalized report along with information on available rebates to help offset the cost of upgrades. You may also receive a free faucet aerator and/or high-efficiency showerhead installed by a professional contractor.

We're here to help.

CLEAResult has partnered with FCI Management to offer free Energy Assessments and Energy Advising services to qualifying Southern California Edison electric customers.

FCI Management will inspect the inside and outside of your home, including your attic and crawl space. The technician will perform a visual assessment (approximately one hour) of things like insulation, duct work, location of appliances and more. During your assessment, the technician may install an energy-efficient showerhead, water-saving faucet aerators and LED lights.

Schedule an Energy Assessment today, and we’ll help you make the most of every energy-saving opportunity.